Become a Member: Individual Membership

Membership Agreement

Illinois People’s Action seeks to build a powerful, statewide multi-issue community organization that is capable of addressing social, environmental and economic concerns and make necessary changes to improve the quality of life for all people.  Initiated from within the religious community and continuing to draw on shared spiritual and moral values, the community organization welcomes racial, religious, ethnic and economic diversity in its membership.   The organization will be a vehicle for people to fully participate in decision-making processes on issues that affect their lives, families and communities.

I enter into membership with Illinois People’s Action for the purpose of creating a broad-based, multi-issue community organization. Based on common spiritual or moral values, I agree to support this venture by working with other members and groups to bring about necessary changes on important community concerns that affect our community and state. Specifically, I will:


  1. Build relationships with other members to understand their justice concerns and share mine with them.  Participate in group investigation, education and leadership training to promote active involvement in issues.

  2. Participate in IPA local chapter meetings and other issue meetings if able to do so.

  3. Pay annual membership dues with the understanding if I have a greater financial capacity I'll contribute at a higher level.

  4. Support the efforts of the organization on issues that affect the quality of life, and work with the organization on issues of common concern.


How to Become a Member:
  • If you wish to pay by check, please select "-none-" under membership type, submit your contact information below and mail your check to P.O. Box 76, Bloomington Illinois, 61702.
  • If you wish to pay online, please select your membership type, complete the forms below and submit your payment.
Select Membership Type
Total Amount
Contact Information
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address